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 We were out exploring Ariok National Park with an Aruban friend and every beach that we had went to, within the park, was a little too rough to get in. So, we decided since we were on that side of the island, we would swing over to Baby Beach for a little bit to cool down. It's one of Sakari's favorite beaches in Aruba and she was excited. 


I found that the rock stacking had started here, just like over by the Lighthouse.


I knew we were not going to be staying long, so I immediately went in and headed for the snorkeling area. Last time we were here, getting into this area was very rough and you really had to kick a lot and the water would pull you back. This time, it was not as bad and very manageable.




It was a nice refreshing stop and I got to snorkel. Hey, any time I'm able to snorkel...I'm good. There were other things that we were wanting to see, so we didn't stay long this time.


We knew that at some point we would return to Baby Beach for a longer time and that was good enough for Sakari to get her moving toward the car.





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