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Well, our original plans were to go to Lovers Beach for awhile after the whale watching tour so we pulled up and were told "You have to jump out here". Well it was very wavy in the area and I was really wondering just how this was going to work...especially carrying all of our bags (they were dropping us off and coming back to pick us up later so we had to take our bags with us). 


He made several attempts to get close enough but the boat was rocking and rolling. I just kept saying "I don't know about this". So he mentioned that he could take us to Pelican Beach and it should be easier to get out there. Ok, looks like we were going to Pelican Beach instead. As much as I wanted to go to Lovers Beach for the experience and awesome pictures that I've seen others take of the area, I wasn't willing to risk me getting hurt nor did I feel like experiencing the cold Mexican Riviera water for the first time by plunging in that deep of water either.


We pulled up to Pelican Beach and there were a lot of people there. The water was not as deep and they were able to get us pretty far up there. Yes, the boat was really rocking still. 


Now it's not much of a "beach" like you would think. There was two areas, one that was more of a beach like setting going off into the water and the other was where the boats were coming and going. Then most of the "beach" area was rocks.

It is really close to the ship docked out in the water too. 

So now came the task of getting out of the boat. Our boat had a ladder to climb down and I started my journey...after the last step, I put my foot down into the sand in the water and a wave came along and when it dropped, it dropped the ladder right down my entire ankle as it sunk into the sand. I let out a scream and knew instantly that I was hurt...on my bad foot. I didn't want to look down. The hubby panicked asking me if I was ok and hurried off the boat to rescue me. I limped to the shore then looked down. I was bleeding with a scrape at my previous stiches/hardware line. It was painful but I was going to be ok. 


After I picked my spot out on the rock I was going to sit at and the bleeding stopped, it really didn't look that bad. It was just painful because of the area it hit being so sensitive since my 3 surgeries. But I'm hear to tell ya, it scabbed, it bruised, it healed and I'm back to normal. Whew!

As we sat on the rock, the hubby caught something out of the corner of his looked like a chipmunk. He was very curious of us and kept coming around and then would run off and hide in the rocks. 

We sat around watching the wildlife as I had decided to rest for awhile. 

So this is what you will see at the "beach"...lots of rocks. Rocks here and there, rocks everywhere. Just pick your spot. Plenty of seating available. 

Sakari and Karl had went over to the beach. I noticed them trying to get in and could tell by their reaction (freezing every time a wave came in like they were a mannequin) that the water was definitely too cold to get all the way in. They just stood there.


I decided to go over and by the time I managed to get there, they had given up on getting all the way in the water and had picked out a spot of their own.

I looked over and seen some kids climbing a very large rock. My heart was sinking just knowing the possibilities that could happen. But I guess this was a popular rock to jump off of and jumping they were! Hey, this rock has nothing on our Dominican Republic Waterfalls jumping! Just saying...

Then I look to the side and the rock looked like a face to me. Can you see it?

Before long, there was a group of kids that decided to climb that rock too. Now that rock looked very dangerous and if you fell, you're not falling into the water. So scary.

We all headed back to the other side and met up with the hubby. I noticed our Kelly boat was coming in and our tour guide waved at us. I knew that meant it was time to go. We gathered our things and headed back down to the beach for me to attempt to get back on the boat without getting hurt again.


I was back on the boat safely and we headed back to the port. It wasn't the beach day I was expecting but the rocks along the beach was so pretty and made the perfect backdrop to the ocean.

On our way back in there were seagulls and pelicans everywhere gathering fish being stirred up by the boats.

We would also see multiple sea lions swimming by. I kept asking if Poncho was around since we seen him coming in to port on our way out. Then we spotted him. He was resting on the dock with a few friends. He must have gotten his belly full and needed a nap.

Notice this yacht with its own helicopter on the back of it!!!

After returning to port, we decided to walk around a little bit and do some shopping.

Around 3pm we decided to head back to the ship. There was a very long line for Princess, but since our ship was here until 7pm, there was no line for us.

Yes Karl, you have to get back on yet another boat. You'll be fine. It's a short ride.

We set out on the balcony for awhile as the time grew near to leave this beautiful port along with the most amazing day had...except for Karl, that's still out for debate.

The sun was starting to set and it made for some beautiful pictures. 

Goodbye Cabo...until next time!

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