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St Thomas 2020

Day 4: Wednesday, July 22

Up next...Day 4: More snorkeling, swimming, food, and parasailing?

I woke up bright and early AGAIN! It really wasn't even daylight out yet and the sun was just coming up. I sat out on the balcony, so I wouldn't wake up the sleeping "beauties" and just enjoyed the breeze and shade on the side of the condo. I just loved that spot!

As I set there listening to the EeerrAeerAerrr, I decided I would, once again, try my luck at booking the parasailing. The kids REALLY wanted to do it and honestly so did I. But, I was very reluctant because of my foot/leg and was very apprehensive about the "dip" they do toward the end. Something like that would probably feel like they are ripping my foot off and I wouldn't be able to tolerate it. I seen that they had some spots open. I really wanted to talk to Kendra about it and see what time we should book, but of course she was enjoying her favorite hobby still...sleeping. 

Finally I would just pull the trigger and pick a 4pm time. But, I did know I wanted to talk to them in person about my "situation" before doing it. So, I would walk over there later in the day before we were due to get there. 

I thought maybe this would give us the opportunity to actually hit up another source of sand and water for the day. So, I started reading up on all the other beaches as well. I was so excited to get to another beach.

Meanwhile, I had a visitor watching me...

Also, I wanted to mention, there are signs everywhere saying "no dogs on the beach" but I would see people go to the beach (mainly early in the morning), with their dog, and sit in the chairs by the ocean. This happened almost every morning and in the evenings. Kendra did say that they were somewhere along the beach and there was poo-poo in the sand (and I imagine that's the reason why there's signs up because people don't know how to clean up after their dogs). 

So I was bored. I get that way a lot. I just hate to stay still for very long. My foot situation has prohibited me from being very active and I have to say it's been the worse time of my life! But, I will push myself to the limits beyond excruciating pain, just to try to do some of the things I WALKING! You know, the daily essentials that I like to do. 

I decided I was going to head out on an adventure...all by myself, just trying to buy some time before the crew woke up. I wanted to explore a little on the other side of Sapphire (by the condo's over there-Crystal Cove) and also take some pictures. So, off I went...on my own, armed with my camera.

It was a nice, quiet walk, and I didn't go all the way to the end, but I enjoyed the walk. I figured it was time to head back and see if anyone was up and moving and if not, I'm opening the sliding doors so Mr EeerA could wake them!

They were in luck, I didn't have to open the doors when I returned and it was time for some breakfast. Sakari was already over-dressed and ready to hit the water. But first, she must relax...because you know, it's been a hard day so far.

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Once Kendra and fam was up, I told her about booking. Now I honestly don't remember much about what happened after that but I can tell you that WE DIDN'T GO ANYWHERE AGAIN!!! I really don't know why this happened at all. Maybe the kids got up later than normal? Maybe she talked me out of it? Maybe it was raining at the time and she said let's wait because I don't want to go to another beach and get rained out? I really don't know. I do know that I was getting really tired of staying at our "home beach" and not exploring the island and other beaches. This is just not like me!

So, obviously I'm not going to sit around all day...I'm headed to the water and snorkeling! Sakari really didn't want to go this time. She decided she would stay up on the beach with KAM. But, Kendra did come along and said she wanted to snorkel with me. I knew I wanted to try to head further over and out this time. 

We geared up, said my arrivederci to the hubs, and off we went. 

Meanwhile, the hubs was entertaining himself with Iggy and the girls were actually on the beach with their mermaid tails on. I hope they didn't stay out there too long...their gills will dry out!

Kendra and I continued on. We went out further than I had been out the other day and further over toward the pool area. Ok, I will admit, the snorkeling got a lot better the further out we went. So, I can take back my previous statement of it being "ok" and say that it's at least a lot better than "ok".  There is still a lot of rocks and not a lot of various fish (mainly the same fish you would see at most beaches), but we did come across a school of tangs and that was exciting for me. I absolutely get excited when I see a large group of them. They are so beautiful and peacefully glide through the water. 

We decided to head back in and check on the family. I was satisfied with everything I was able to see this time around and glad that the snorkeling was better than the other day. I still wouldn't say it was fabulous, but definitely good enough. 

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We headed to the pool at some point. I don't think I took any pictures this time around. The kids were REALLY enjoying the pool almost this entire trip, they'd rather be there than at the beach. It was so unlike Sakari to say the least. 

She did find another friend to hang out with. I swear animals just gravitate to her.

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It was time for an adventure of a lifetime..........parasailing! Woo Hoo!

We gathered up our things at the pool and headed over to the marina

to meet them. We were told to arrive 15 minutes before it was time

for our appointment. Kendra was slow as usual gathering her things

up and we arrived first. He told us that the wind had really been picking

up over the last few hours and he had been trying to call me

SINCE 12 NOON! He wanted to let me know that he would have to

cancel our trip because he wasn't about to put us in any danger.

We were so sad but knew it was pretty darn windy out and it had

been raining off and on during the day. I didn't really feel like this

was your normal "Caribbean" daily showers. It just didn't feel right.

He said we could reschedule for the following day and go then.

We agreed and then headed back to the condo. 

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Everyone was hungry and ready for dinner. Kendra elected me to cook dinner and it was Taco Tuesday night...only it was Wednesday. Oops! She brought some steak over, because that's what Billy wanted (I don't do steak...can't stand it...I'm weird). 

Kendra and I were busy cooking and this is what the somewhat quiet condo looked like....

Din-din was ready and we threatened to break some fingers if they didn't put down the phones. It worked. Everyone gathered at the table and it was nice eating all together despite Kam's repeated questions and stating "I'm only eating steak, I'm only eating steak, I'm only eating steak" So of course, my reply is "What would you like to eat Kam?" as I'm making her plate.    ;)

After dinner we all hung out on the balcony for awhile. We had many visitors. All the hubby had to do was throw his arms up in the air and they would all flock over to our balcony. It's like when we fake throw some food to our dog and he falls for it every time...only he goes in the opposite direction looking for it and the seagulls actually come to you. It was the same as at home...see how many times they would fall for it. LOL

Sakari did see what was going on and thought daddy was feeding them, so she came out with some bread, but they ended up stealing her steak she laid down on the balcony while she tried to tear the bread into little pieces. LOL That'll teach her to leave her food around. I do have to give it to her though, she managed to get them to eat out of her hands.


















Me, Kendra, Sam, Sakari and little miss repeat all decided we wanted to go for a walk down the beach (toward the other condo's I went down toward this morning). The boys (Billy and B) didn't want to take part in this adventure and decided they would just hang out. B had brought his laptop with him and was watching Fortnite videos and was just too into it to walk with us, plus he's super lazy and said it was "just too much walking" for him. So, off we went. Of course more rain here and there and we would dart under a tree during the "sprinkle" only to emurge and see a rainbow! 

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When we got to the end "Kendra" decided we would keep going. "Going where??? The beach is pretty much ending". She replied "Ahhh, we will follow the water and see what we can find". Oh just great. Watching Fortnite with B was sounding a little more promising then this adventure she was about to take us on. 

At this point, the beach was pretty much ending and there was a lot of ironshore rocks along the edges of the water. There was a lot of stepping over things, holding on to the hubby for dear life on rocks that were slippery, stepping over palms trees and wondering if any of the people who lived in the houses there with their signs saying private property were going to come out and tell us "get off my lawn"...only it wasn't a lawn. It was a very interesting and a very long walk...especially for someone like me. We made it pretty far and things were only getting worse. I finally put my foot down, well...not really because that would probably hurt if I stomped it...and said "I'm turning back! We are to a point where it's not safe at all for me to walk and it's also starting to get dark with a long walk ahead of us back and over all the things we crossed. You see, I had discovered that it gets dark around a little after 6pm and that is why I'm so darn tired and ready for bed by 9-10pm. Back home, it was't getting dark until around 9pm or a little after.  I wasn't taking any chances on the sundown game tonight because I knew we'd be left in the dark trying to figure out which spot was the best spot to try to put my foot down.

Then on the way back, Sakari spotted an anemone right at the shore line. It was a very strange place for it to be and the waves going in and out would cover it over and over, then rinse it off. I'm really shocking we didn't step on it on the way down. Kambriah "What is that? What is that? What is that?"

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There were a bunch of kayaks by the beach and one was down by the water and the waves was pulling it out. Sakari decided to be a good samaritan and go save it and pull it all the way up where the others were located at. I can't believe they just left it down there. I'm not even sure if the surf shop is open still. I never did see anyone there or it open and I would think they would somehow lock these things up at the end of the day. But, they were always just left out everywhere. 

Sakari all of a sudden screamed with excitement! She pointed at the was the game that she played on another island (I think St Croix) and she absolutely LOVED it and the challenge. There's a hook on the tree and then a ring attached to a string and you have to swing it and try to hook the ring on the hook on the tree. She tried and tried and just couldn't get it. The wind was not on her side!

We kept walking past the condo and of course...headed toward the pool where we would find Brayden swimming. 

I continued to take pictures of the sunset bouncing off the clouds and the palm trees. We would end up going out on the little pathway by the pool that took you out to some rocks, crashing waves and water on both sides. They use this area for weddings. It's very lovely and made for a great photo shoot, which I happened to see at least 2 weddings while we were there and the photographer out there taking pictures. I do have to say that the ground is really rough. There's a lot of sharp rocks, dirt (not sand like you would think) and just not a pleasant walk if you are barefooted. (I did see a groom and bride out there barefooted for their wedding). Me, being so self foot conscious, couldn't imagine how they managed to walk it and not throw out a few "ouchies" along the way. 

It wasn't too long before Sakari discovered what we were doing and headed down to us....RUNNING!!! With her bare feet. Yikes! Ouchie!

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She offered to take some photo's for us. It's super nice to capture those special moments to cherish places you have been together, however, I am very reluctant to share any photo's of me in them. I'm very self conscious about my weight these days. I have gained so much since last year after my accident and being bed ridden, in a wheelchair and still not being able to walk much and can't be too active. I've never been so big in my life and although I can't help it at this point, it's still not a pretty site to me and embarrassing. :( 

I ended up taking some pictures of Sakari in different poses. She was having fun.

Then as quickly as she came...she was off again...RUNNING AGAIN!

It was getting late and almost my bedtime. I mean after all, it was around 7:30pm now. We said our goodbyes to Kendra and headed to our place. The welcome committee chairman was waiting for us on the sidewalk. Sakari couldn't pass him by without getting a picture and a video. By the way, have you ever heard a group of crabs laugh before? Yea, they sound hilarious! It sounds just like they are laughing and Kendra does a pretty good impersonation of them too. 

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Time for a shower and jammies and look outside to find this right before we laid down...yes, that is Kendra out there below us on the beach with Billy, B, and Kam building a sand castle! What Is Wrong With My Family? LOL They walked all the way down to right below our balcony to build a sand castle? Like 3 buildings down? She has sand right in front of her place. LOL  #IHaveNoIdea


Up next...Day 5: a new beach and parasailing? Fingers crossed!

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