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Our land vacation:

I had mentioned to Sakari about the Parrot Sanctuary before we had left home, but the situation might have changed due to the loss of her bird right before vacation. However, she was super excited and really wanted to going we are! It was also predicted to be cloudy least until 3pm that would be good for a day of walking around instead a beach day.

After everyone had ate and I had packed for the day (yep, we have ice and cold drinks again thanks to the rapid response of the condo manager after we told them) we were out the door and ready to...clean the windshield as we pulled out. 

The Cayman Parrot Sanctuary is located on the East End, so it wasn't very far from us.

The cost for the 3 of us to get in would be $52.50 US.

The first bird we came to was Sakari's favorite bird, an African Gray. She has always wanted one and after the death of Engus, she has been considering getting one. They are known to be the most talkative and quite the personality. It immediately came over to us and put it's head down to be petted. It was so sweet even though the sign said "I will talk and I will bite". Hubby took his chances. 

We kept hearing a VERY loud noise from another bird. He was really wanting attention so we headed over that way to be greeted by him. He said "Hi Coco"...which was his name. He liked to say "hi" and dance and squawk and man was he noisy. We used to have a Cockatoo and he was such a talker and dancer but he was extremely loud if I ever left his sight. He was very possessive of me and started to attack other people in the house when they came near me. We ended up having to get rid of him because of it.

Moving on we would see various birds along the way: Amazon's, Macaw, Cayman Parrots, Parakeets, name it, they had it. 

Then we came across the Cockatiel cage. We were allowed to go in this one and Sakari was so excited but yet you could see the sadness in her face. Engus was a Cockatiel. They immediately started flying to her. I thought she was going to cry but she held it together. I felt so bad for her.

We were also told that we could go in the Conure cage and off we went to that. We were warned they are a little feisty and feisty they were. They all immediately came to us and flew to our heads, shoulders, hands and any camera's or phone's we had. They were really curious (as you will see in the video at the end). 

We headed out and on to see more birds and animals. 

They had different areas that catered toward smaller children. There were a few playgrounds. 

There was a pond with a small waterfall and tiny fish, but there was also a big turtle that claimed this as home. 

They offered to let us in an area with the "Cayman Rabbit", which is like an extremely large mouse if you ask me. But the worker called him and out he came. We were given broccoli to feed him. His fur felt weird and they said he is related to the porcupine family. He was so adorable and friendly. You can tell all the animals here are used to being around people. 

They had some aquariums set up with different animals in them. 

Hermit crabs

Then this....SCORPIONS!!! Yikes! I hope I never run across one of these.

Then they ask Sakari if she wanted to hold a snake. OF COURSE SHE DOES! They had a Black Cayman Racer. She loves snakes and no, I haven't permitted one in the house yet.  So, she just catches garter snakes and gives them to her friends instead. 

We had a wonderful time there and it put a smile on Sakari's face and hopefully helped mend her heart a little bit. There were so many beautiful birds and it gave her a lot to think about when she returns home. It would also start the beginning of her searching online every day that we were here (and after we returned) for a new bird. She knew she wanted a, which one.

Here's a video of our day there. 

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