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During our land vacation:

Public Beach, which is located on 7 Mile Beach, is only a short distance away from West Bay Beach.

It was absolutely gorgeous and the sand was even finer than at West Bay.

Once again the hubby and Sakari immediately headed out to the water. I could definitely tell there wasn't going to be much to see in the water, so I decided I would not snorkel this time around. 

It was a really nice beach with volleyball nets and by the time we left this beach there were quite a bit of games going on. It was so hot out and I'm really not sure how these people could be playing such a strenuous game in this heat. More power to them.

We had a friend that stuck with us the entire time we were in the water even if we moved. When another fish would come along it would chase it off. 

I liked how the sun was shining down on this boat. 

We stayed here for quite some time just hanging out in the water. You could tell It was raining on the other side of the island and we figured it would head our way and that's when we would leave. But, I guess you could consider it luck that it never did hit us. 

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