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We were headed to Smiths Barcadere Cove for a little bit of snorkeling. Off we went, making sure not to turn the windshield wipers on and into town we went.


There was plenty of shade in different areas, picnic tables and benches. We decided to sit on some of the benches that made you think you had partied a little too much the night before but yet I don't remember drinking...Just look at the lean on that bench!

They did have restrooms there along with outdoor showers you could use for free. 

The water was absolutely gorgeous!

Of course I immediately grabbed my snorkel gear and headed toward the water. The fam decided to join me and we would wind around all the cove looking at the beautiful fish and coral. It was quite nice. 

I found a creepy worm...stay away from these!

Then we came across a large school of tangs....they were so beautiful.

 Then something caught my eye on a sea was a flamingo tongue snail and I would also notice there were several of them on this fan. They are so cool looking. If they get spooked the giraffe looking skin on the outside will go in and it will be all white.

All of a sudden Sakari let out a shriek! Yes, believe it or not, I heard her under water. Do you guys remember Pedro San Miguel from Cozumel? We were friends. He loved us. He followed us everywhere we went. Well, he showed up in Grand Cayman and we were super excited to see him. He would follow us around everywhere. Friends for life. ;)

Parrotfish and 2 Four Eyed Butterfly fish.

So then something else caught my attention, it was moving around quickly, in and out of the rocks. I immediately stopped to watch. There's only one other time that I have seen this before and they fascinate me. It was a very busy shrimp and so fun to watch.

It was time to take a break and we headed back to our drunken benches where we would slide down onto each other at the bottom. Good thing we love each other so much, but personal space people!  lol

We did discover that someone sitting near us decided to steal our ice cold bottle of water we brought with us and left out on the bench. Um...really? How does someone do that?

There were planes flying close to the beach. It's no Maho Beach in St Maarten but I still like to watch them coming in and think about the adventures that people are about to have at this beautiful island. Is it their first time? Do they come often? Do they live here and just came back from another exotic destination? So many questions and thoughts.

At one point a boat came speeding in toward the REALLY fast. I actually got worried that an accident was about to happen right in front of us. But then it slowed down quickly right before getting to the bay where people were at. It was the Cayman Port Authority Harbour Patrol. I'm not sure who they were after, but they sat there for a while and then finally left. 

Chickens and roosters were everywhere, and they weren't afraid to come up to you if they thought they were going to get a handout.

Ok, after resting, I wanted to make one more trip out to attempt some over and under pictures...only I hadn't discovered it was on the wrong settings...still.

I decided to head out to the other cove to enter. 

We did get a nice surprise this time around...a Puffer Fish. Oh em gee they are so cute!

Well, that made my day and I was satisfied enough with this place that I was ready to move on.

We gathered our things and headed out to the next place.

Here's a video from our day at Smith's Barcadere:

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