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Orlando to home
Day 12

Here we go.......

So the alarm was set for 4am. It was really hard to sleep and I always have to go potty in the middle of the night. I woke up and had an internal debate with myself over if I should get up and go to the bathroom or just wait for the alarm to go off and go then. I knew it had to be getting close to the time to get up and I knew at this point I probably wouldn't go back to sleep. Feet hit the floor, bed nightlight came on and I was up and moving. 


Coming out of the restroom I would glance over at the mirror, which has a clock, which said....4:20!!! Wait what? No way. I ran to my phone and yep, it was already 4:20am! Crap! I started yelling "Everyone get up! Hurry! We are late! Oh my gosh we're going to miss our plane! Get moving and let's go!" 


Everyone jumped outta bed like it was Christmas Day and grabbed everything in site and we were out the door. I didn't even stop at the front desk to check out. They would figure it out sooner or later that I was gone.


We headed downstairs and OH EM GEE!!! The line was insane for Southwest. Everyone must have been leaving at the same time. My heart sank!

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Where we needed to go

The hubby went and got coffee. He knew we were going to be waiting for quite some time.  We slowly inched our way up in the line and along come the hubby with his fresh brewed fell to the floor and all over the place. He was highly upset now. He can't function without his coffee and now it was gone in the blink of an eye. I tried not to make eye contact with him for the remainder of our "walk". 


It looked as though we were almost there and I'm frantically checking my watch the entire time. It was now 4:42am

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However, the closer we got, the more we would see that this line would continue on down and then it would wind back and forth before ever making it to the counter. 


Well about that time I discovered there was a "special" line across the hall from it that said "A-lister" and well, I'm an A-lister. So we hopped over in that line and waited. I mean it had to go quicker right?

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That line was still slow and had a worker that probably needs more training or replaced with someone more efficient.  But we finally made it through the line and ran (as fast as I could possibly go) to the security line and it was just as long if not longer. My heart sank. I just knew we were going to miss our plane. 


But security was moving fairly quickly and we finally made it up to take off our shoes and place our belongings in the bends. It never felt so good to make it out of there and we rushed to the tram. It is a short ride over to the terminal and we were off the tram in no time. Thank goodness we didn't have far to get to our gate. 


We were on the plane and pulling out at 6:21am, Whew! It was a hectic morning!!

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The plane had their own nightlights going for us people who were still trying to wake up.

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Headed down the runway

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About 15 minutes later I would discover that I sat on the wrong side. The girls had the good view of the sunrise.

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A half an hour after take off, we would get breakfast...remember those Cinnabon's? It was too early to eat them in the morning and we ended up having to throw them away before security. Totally wasted. :( We were now wishing we had them.

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When our drinks came, the hubby was thrilled to get his coffee since he spilt his in the airport. 

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Seven minutes later....






I kid you not!!!

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Sakari's picture of the day...


The rest of the trip was uneventful and at least we were making it home. 

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Since we were gone, there had been snow a few days and very cold. We decided to bring the nice weather home with us (of course it didn't last but a few days and got cold again). 


Kiera's parents must have missed her because they were at the airport as we were waiting on our luggage. I bet she couldn't wait to tell them all about her trip. 


We would head out to the shuttle and over to our parking lot....then home sweet home!

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The End...


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